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終 於,狐狸繼承了紫花會.不過當年的三大天王之中的水少被"不老神"和央招攬門下.但是除了白熊仍在左右,充當副手,更有從雪狼會招來的大哥彩 吹及新掘起的二哥蘭壽.在父老的提議之下,狐狸從和央那兒娶來呼呼,立立威信,做做門面.可是狐狸一向都是幫會事務?重,可以說心中沒有女人.呼呼在閨中 感到寂寞,又對自己的老公對兄弟比對自己好心有不甘.結果下堂求去.

呼呼下堂求去之後,最信任的兄弟白熊被調配去打理東部一個地盤.這時候,有一個小女孩闖進狐狸的生命中: 無錯!這就是天真可愛的鼻子!




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The ABC for Weirdo – Something you never think that they can mean for this

A for Aggression

  1. An act of self defense that definitely will hurt the other party
  2. An act of protection that definitely will hurt the other party

B for Bastard

  1. Someone you hate very much
  2. Someone you will laugh at when he/she gets bad luck
  3. Someone who can do what you think is impossible


B for Battlefield

  1. A place which is quite normal (or does not exist anymore) by now, but can let your imagination goes wild
  2. A place that two groups of armed personnel killed each other without a reason (probably a long time ago)
  3. A place where ridiculous things can happen

C for Cemetery

A place where you can find tons of stories and surprising facts (if you do not disturb the dead)

D for Democracy

  1. An ideology that suggests that people can make their choice but cannot do so in some occasion
  2. A method for a nut head to lead his country
  3. An excuse for people to create chaos

E for Equality

  1. One of the words that was promoted during the French Revolution
  2. The idea that promote people from different background, race, education, occupation etc. are the same but is not in real
  3. One of the ideals that can never come true on earth

F for Fraternity

  1. One of the words that was promoted during the French Revolution
  2. The idea that promote people from different background, race, education, occupation etc. can love each other but is not in real


F for Freedom

  1. The idea that promote people do not have any bound or limitation of doing any rightful things they want but is not in real
  2. One of the ideals that you do not know if it is exist or not!

G for Grave

A plot at the cemetery that is occupied by someone you never know but you may feel interest to know

H for Headstone

  1. A piece of art that the owner does not aware of
  2. A piece of stone that may provide information for your next story

I for Idiot

A person who think he/she is smart but is extremely stupid in real

J for Joker

A person who think his/her jokes are funny but are not in real

K for Kidult

  1. A person whose age is over the legitimate age but do not think like a normal adult
  2. A person whose age is over the legitimate age, with an unsuccessful career at either work or school, and always underestimate by others due to those f**king stupid standard.
  3. A person who have childlike heart and can do things that others think is impossible
  4. A person within the eyes of his/her mother

L for Liberty

  1. One of the words that was promoted during the French Revolution
  2. One of the words that the American always talk about and proud of
  3. An excuse for United States of America to do the world policing

M for Mask

  1. A piece of gear that create terror
  2. A seed of idea that cover who you really are
  3. A seed of idea that cover what you want to cover
  4. A kind of appearance that cover what you really feel


M for Mythology

  1. A field of knowledge that a writer must not avoid
  2. A serial of stories that provide you the names of stars and horoscope

N for Normal

  1. A word that is always used by totalitarianism government when something worse happens but they do not want their people to know
  2. A word that is always used by the government headed by an idiot when he/she screws up something serious
  3. A word that is always used by people with extreme bias when they find out a child with talent and try to label them as abnormal.

O for Obey

  1. A method of assimilation
  2. A method of destroying uniqueness within a person
  3. A method of rejecting creativity

P for Peace

  1. The final production of war
  2. A makeup for chaos within whatever relationship

Q for Quip

  1. The highest level in the art of speech
  2. Words that the stubborn do not want to listen
  3. Words that the idiot will laugh at due to the funniest. But they do not know that those are about them
  4. Words that can get yourself killed

R for Relative

  1. A person in either genders that has some blood link with you, that you just only meet during some family function, such as Thanksgiving day, Christmas dinner, New Year etc, but you rarely know him/her
  2. A person in either genders that has some blood link with you but you barely think he/she is emotionally related to you
  3. A person in either genders that has same blood link with you, but he/she will not think that you are his/her relative most of the time
  4. A person in either genders that has same blood link with you, but he/she will not give you a damn (and so can you!)

S for Shit

  1. Promises from politicians when they beg for your vote
  2. Policies by the idiots who take charge of the government
  3. Some opinion on politics by some idiots
  4. Comments for life by an adult that does not understand what a teenagers go through, who also does not give a damn to make the other party’s life better.

T for Tease

  1. A tool for psychosocial self defense
  2. A method of destroying enemy
  3. A tool for murder

U for Uniform

  1. A set of clothes that you are forced to wear at certain occasion
  2. A set of clothes that you may feel proud of
  3. A set of clothes that makes you stand out from the crowd
  4. Goodies for some kind of twisted personnel

V for Veteran

A senior person that usually with a bunch of medals on their coat and can (usually willingly) provide you many interesting story to listen

W for War

  1. A method to settle matters between countries
  2. A method of decreasing population
  3. An act of making peace
  4. A tool for dictator to distract people from their problem
  5. A catalyst of history
  6. A method of making a man out of boy
  7. An ingredient for creating ridiculous scene

X for Xenophobe

The response of a coward towards people that is different from him/her

Y for Youth

  1. A stage of ideals (when you are looking forward of the stage)
  2. A stage of disappointment (when you are looking back)
  3. A stage of bewilder and craziness
  4. A stage of possibilities

Z for Zealot

  1. A person who is too focus on one matter that he/she cannot see matters from outside
  2. A person who is usually stubborn on his view or belief so much that he/she cannot accept one word from another mouth, ideology, religion etc., even he/she cannot accept the fact that society is changing from time to time
  3. Alternative word for nut head
發表於 寶塚誑言


(Part 1: 寫於2005年8月7日)

最近喜歡到Yahoo! Japan的拍賣行看東西–多數是看寶塚的東西(為了有好圖製造wallpaper) ,發現日本的炒作風氣不比咱們華人弱:場刊,雜誌,寫真集,簽名板,VCD,DVD,VHS不在話下,就連擁護者/狗仔隊的「素顏照」,演出門票(這一班 黃牛黨真是利害!)等也可以找到(好像壽美禮哥哥因為最近有個人表演[I Got Music],所以一找她的拍賣物品需要經過一連串門票項目)!另外,不單止古董,就連最新的 TCA 2005音樂祭的DVD也有人拿出來拍賣,簡直是嘆為觀止.


[湖月大叔是現星組當家小生,曾在宙組及專科打滾.因為她的素顏比較"大嬸"(可是六個小生之中最高是她),以及一些舞台造型有點粗獷大叔 feel.所以 所以叫她做"大叔"(爆).朝海小弟弟是現雪組當家小生,曾與和央哥哥及湖月大叔同屬宙組.娃娃臉的她有不少台上造型比較少年味重.所以叫她做"小弟弟 (衰仔 E覺得這稱呼十分邪).]

第 一次在寶塚的官網中看到這一個音樂劇的資料時,腦子已經在想會不會與張國榮的「夜半歌聲」有一點關係.海報中的朝海小弟弟相對「女性化」(真是不知道自 己在說甚麼.明明是女人,為何又用「女性化」來形容?),而湖月大叔的確令人想起張國榮的Phantom.後來與狼仔仔討論之後,他指出說明之中有提及 「霸王別姬」(又是張國榮的電影);然後我們進入「『夜半歌聲』與"Phantom of the Opera"的分別」的討論.

終於, 昨天找到一些相關物品:劇照,場刊以及錄影.以劇照能夠了解大概劇情.五張劇照中有兩張是大叔及和弟弟穿上京劇 「霸王別姬」的戲服(朝海弟弟更是全副虞姬裝).真是令人想起 「霸王別姬」的張豐毅及張國榮.另外又有一幅是大叔戴上和央哥哥在Phantom尾聲中所戴的白色面具,與朝海弟弟擁抱–而弟弟的衣著及氣質都相當「女 性化」(又來!)而大叔真是又令我想起「夜半歌聲」中最後能與吳倩蓮重逢的張國榮.

這一個明顯是 「霸王別姬」!







(Part 2: 寫於2006年8月10日)





另一邊廂: 官仔骨骨的弟弟:





發表於 劇評/無聊說幾句央少萬歲寶塚誑言

[舊文新貼] Musical Review–Boxman

Original Date: July 10, 2005

得好兄弟Harukalover(HL)的相助,終於有機會看到他高度評價的寶塚歌劇,宙組演出的"Boxman".在這之前,我對這一個日本國寶 級劇團有一點粗淺認識及聽過三首歌;對她們的演出感到十分好奇–另外,我不經不覺欣賞同優香女神同是出身於大阪的宙組當家小生和央Youka.及後在 IRC下載兩條宙組的"凡爾賽玫瑰"的片子(和央哥哥及花總姐姐簡直是驚為天人!)心想如果可以摸清楚如何rip DVD就可以找HL rip Boxman來看.結果找到software及crack,接著是教他用software. (嘻嘻!)

終於,昨天HL可以把影片傳過來(其實花了不少時間………).可是因著家裡的事及這被我"過度奴役"的電腦,今日終於burn了VCD放在電視上觀看.可能我不諧日語罷,有些對話場面不太投入.不過笑料不少(特別是扮演Roger的專科男役未沙のえる,表現低b趣怪的十輝いりす,搞怪老闆–宙組第三任組長美郷真也,花總阿媽專科女役矢代鴻等).歌唱是十分吸引(不愧為國寶級歌劇團!),可是有部分舞蹈嫌不夠放(但是高潮Kevin努力打開對立公司從自己公司偷取的藍圖所製造的保險箱的tap dance卻是一流).



Boxman 所走的路線是Chicago路線.主題音樂Perfection是典型Big Band.有些間場歌曲有十分重Jazz/Blue味道.和央在被美鄉罵完之後的牢騷歌Harddays的intro令我想上Sting的主題音樂. 1960年代是現代Rock and Roll之始及Big Band式微之始.把時間推早比較好.


尤其是初嶺磨代的皮草!一見到那一件毛茸茸的東西,第一時間的聯想Doris Day和Cary Grant主演的The Touch of Mink!再者,根據我的記憶:雖然男性在60年代上半還有帶帽的習慣,不過好像這一種服飾和Big Band一樣開始式微.可是一眾男役(包括和央哥哥)都經常帶著帽子晃來晃去.的確有十分重的"50年代"味道.


這 一個見解是因為最近留意Tennessee Williams的A Streetcar named Desire.由於OAC時讀過他另一個劇作The Glass Menagerie(感謝主!我還記得一點點OAC英文所學的).Tennessee Williams的筆下人物當中一定有一個對昔日美國南部的近乎貴族生活有所依戀的女性.在老人院留醫的Teresa就是給予我這一種感覺.我相信她是促使Dolly去結識有錢佬(寿つかさ)原因.當她在轉場時孤伶伶的坐上輪椅上唱"Cheek to cheek",然後fade into background.手法高明之餘也令人覺得Teresa是一個被時代遺望的人物.

一開場的和央"爆格"被鬼混中的僕人撞個正著.但是她和花總姐姐局人簽約相當有趣(是"搞笑抵死"!).不但遞form遞筆,花總還要用秒表計算客戶的考慮時間–相當有"壓迫感" XD

和央不愧是一等一"型男".之前與HL聊天時有所意見:“轟悠是三十來歲的成熟穩重的男人,和央是二十來歲的年輕人,朝海則是十來或二十出頭的小伙子."Boxman主人翁Kevin是傳說之中可以攻破任何保險箱的Boxman.正式來說,他是一個專業人士.可是又與一般打工仔一樣要受老闆氣.另外,他又不幫助昔日老大(遼河はるひ)爆格淘利,反而獨自在Fredrick(悠未ひろ)的展示會中攻破其公司發展的保險箱,的確有二十來歲的血氣方剛.她的獨唱歌"Harddays"及"Reason Why"有那一種強而剛的味道(或者朝海小弟弟也有這一種感覺–可是未有機會聽/看).還有一個發現:和央的沉聲有點像總兄 XD

花總在當宙組當家花旦之前是雪組的當家花旦.另外她在"凡爾賽玫瑰"的優美女高音歌唱令我留下深刻印象.雖然這是現代劇,不過她還是保持一貫優美高音.她的"How can I do"是另一首野狼推介.


第一場,是和央唱"Reason Why"時與花總的舞.其實在實際的空間只有和央一個.不過這一段舞表達兩人相近又相遠:一個人的圓舞;彼此擦身而過,沒有碰頭機會.這一種安排成功製造一種在霧看不清,摸不清的感覺.

第二場,就是tap dance.將一個"爆格"過程化成一個舞蹈是一個新鮮的做法.Kevin的掙扎成為動作幅度大的現代舞.Tap dance在秒鐘的"滴答"聲的背景下提供一種壓迫感.富想像力,創新,簡潔.

最喜歡的歌應該是和央與花總"劫後重逢"的"Until"(之前誤當"Reason Why").其實這是我第一首接近的歌曲.輕鬆的節拍,和央的低沉唱腔及花總的高音令這一首歌成為野狼首席推介.

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